The latitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is north, negative is south.
The longitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is east, negative is west.
Specific date to get weather for.
Can be any of the following:
Either be a UNIX timestamp or a string formatted as follows:
// UNIX timestamp
{ time: 1558575452 }
// Date string
// [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS][timezone].
{ time: "2019-01-01T00:00:00+0400" }
Timezone should either be omitted (to refer to local time for the location being requested),
(referring to GMT time), or +[HH][MM] or -[HH][MM] for an offset from GMT
in hours and minutes.
Generated using TypeDoc
Required parameters for making a Forecast request.[key]/[latitude],[longitude]